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The Mandarin Mastermind

2 months + program for busy expats and entrepreneurs who are dedicated to learning Mandarin and seek a simple clear-cut process to 5 x learning speed of Mandarin without the years of overwhelming repetitive handwritten character practices and ineffective memorising, overcome Mandarin 4 tones pronunciation drama and verbal stutters.  

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I see you, Mandarin Learners

I believe it is absolutely not okay that Mandarin learners ( I see you, expats and entrepreneurs ) still require more hustling and work that take up too much time, when you are already leading a hectic city lifestyle with packed schedules , when there is a solution to this.

All you wanted was to be able to understand what you are hearing from the locals or Chinese natives, feel safe and self-assured about the Mandarin signboards and documents you read , and not make any errors in your daily lifestyle due to miscommunication with the locals. And to speak verbal Mandarin without second guessing the word or with stutters.

It gets overwhelming sometimes. I know.

I have been in your shoes.

I understand what it is like to spend hours of learning and practicing Mandarin, and wondering when you would achieve your goal for this language at the end.

This is why i have helped numerous clients get equipped with the strategies and techniques essential for learning Mandarin to collapse their timeline to their desired results.

You are attending lessons or learning on your own but you do not understand the words with 100% accuracy even after checking the dictionary and translators.

You found it hard to pronounce the 4 tones accurately and often experience verbal stutters with your brain constantly switching from English to Mandarin. 

At the end of the day, you are overloaded with the bulk of Mandarin words, overwhelmed with the repetitive hand/typewritten character practices, seeking a way to remember them permanently. 


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I went from not being able to speaking a single Mandarin sentence to now, speaking proper Mandarin sentences in accurate pronunciation without the frustration of verbal stutters.


My 8 year old daughter could not master her spellings at all and had no interest in Mandarin. After learning the techniques from Mandarin Mastermind,

she became enthusiastic about the language and she aced her every spelling effortlessly.


Schools never taught these secrets or fun methodologies. I applied them in my own time and had so much fun. I began to understand the Mandarin words well and feel confident about my exams.

Most Mandarin learners think Mandarin is challenging to learn..


you need endless hours of
characters' practices

you realise lots of English translations that are inaccurate 

you feel it is hard to recognise and remember the characters and pronounce them

Im here to tell you - You don't !

What if i told you that learning Mandarin can be simple and that you can apply it anytime and anywhere with more fun?

And that you can collapse your own learning timeline by just applying the relevant strategies.

Because the truth is mastering Mandarin is actually fun 

The only thing that is standing between you and it is the learning methodology that works, which is not taught in schools.

Thats why i created The Mandarin Mastermind. 

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The Mandarin Mastermind program 

A 2 months + program for busy expats and entrepreneurs who are dedicated to learning Mandarin and seek a simple clear-cut  process through learning Mandarin nuances, memory enhancement and energetics, to 5 x learning speed of Mandarin, without the years of overwhelming repetitive handwritten character practices and ineffective memorising and overcome Mandarin 4 tones pronunciation drama and verbal stutters. 

  • You will be introduced to a new model of learning where you can condense and remember the list of Mandarin words you are learning in the shortest time…instead of repetitively memorising and handwrite the characters till your hands are numb. 


  • You will learn how to retrieve the Mandarin knowledge and words right from your brain instead of your physical handwritten notes and apply formulas to pronounce Mandarin tones and sentences.


  • You will know how to develop a scientific understanding of the Mandarin language that will successfully collapse your learning timeline from 14 years to 3 years. 


  • You will learn exactly why Mandarin is the most fun and playful language to learn once you implement this holistic learning system 

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Here is how we do it 





Using Specific techniques to understand the nuances of Mandarin words.

Utilising proven brainwork techniques re-engineered for retaining the knowledge, characters and writings of Mandarin so

you no longer spend unnecessary hours in learning and writing.

Crystallise the learning process and implement a holistic approach to Mandarin. So that you can be your own Mandarin expert 24/7 achieving your Mandarin goals within your time

Learn methods to not only enhance the efficiency of learning Mandarin but also allow you to enjoy and have more fun in the process.

In it, I combined 26 years of Mandarin expertise, 13+ years of coaching experience, knowledge i gained from personal development experts worldwide with the missing elements-nuances of Mandarin and brainwork methods.

It has not just worked for me.

It has worked for many of my clients.


Imagine yourself going from... 

Endless hours of trying to pronounce 
Mandarin sentences and characters and writing them repetitively

recalling and speaking  the Mandarin sentences and words you learnt effectively from your brain without the hours of  repetitive characters practices.

Mandarin characters look alien to you

Identifying more Mandarin words and characters with fun and ease within a short time

Spending lots of energy and focus on Mandarin studies even after a hectic day of work and activities leaving your energy tank already empty

5x speed in  Mandarin progress with less time and energy needed , life made easy and relaxed

Hustling and feeling uncertain over the accuracy of your own Mandarin sentences and learning 

Enjoying being a Mandarin expert 24/7 confident and equipped about the accuracy of your own Mandarin learning without a Mandarin teacher / tutor

spending forever money and time on group lessons or 1:1 lessons 
but still did not help in lessening the hours of overwhelm and hustle on your own Mandarin revisions

Can enjoy $0 group or 1:1 lesson 

Collapse the success timeline of your own Mandarin learning from 14 years to 3 years instead of waiting for teachers and language centres to move the needle of your progress

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The Mandarin Mastermind program 

This is for you if :

You are starting out to learn Mandarin and find it hard to find premises of time in your day to fit in Mandarin learning consistently.

You are often frustrated with the lack of progress in identifying characters and speaking the words.

You find yourself constantly messing up with the tones and pronunciation of the Mandarin sentences and words.

You spent hours on Mandarin revision and studies but still cannot remember the words you learnt after a few days without reviewing your notes.

It's not your average Mandarin Program

Last program you ever need to understand nuances of Mandarin  

From mindset to the speedy learning process will learn how to maximise your understanding of Mandarin and preserve your time and energy. 

Specific formulas  that can be applied forever 

Nothing else out there that can go this deep into learning Mandarin words to help you master the language with ease and fun.

These skillsets alone will forever short-cut your learning path.

No Fluff. Only Quick Actionable videos

No Overload of information. Only short potent step-by-step lessons of less than 1.5 hour per week to get you to your desired results fast.

Intimate and High Support

You will get personalised coaching and support from me. There are limited slots so i can focus on each of YOU.

Never feel 'rushed'

I designed this program such that you get time to take actions, even when life unintentionally get in the way.

Gain the answers you actually need

Every clients at the end of the program will be certain about WHAT and HOW to execute so that they can swiftly get to their desired goal for Mandarin.

The Curriculum

Week 1 : Understanding the brief history of Mandarin characters and Han Yu Pin Yin

You will learn about the fascinating origin of Mandarin, different forms of Mandarin words and the techniques to tackle the 4 tones of Mandarin -Han Yu Pin Yin

Week 2 : Mandarin words

No more spending hours on dictionary trying to figure out the translations. We will dive into methods on how to understand Mandarin words

Week 3 : Understanding Mandarin words in sentences 

I have decoded the nuances of Mandarin that are the shortcuts to understanding the language so that you don't have to. 

You will discover the quickest ways to read and speak the words and sentences.

Integration Day : An optional  1 hour Q&A call will be available.

Week 4 : Brainwork Memory Techniques

Imagine remembering words you learnt 2 weeks ago without any revisions or excessive writing practices, speaking them without switching from English to Mandarin and having fun learning them.

I will teach you the 5 main techniques that will greatly help you retain your learning so that you can shorten your learning timeline with ease.

Update : Bonus Memory Methods are added. ( You will be getting extra. )

Integration Day : An optional  1 hour Q&A call will be available.

Week 5 : Encode with Zest & Mindset Expansion

It is time to put systems in place so that you can enjoy your best learning journey with certainty and empowerment.

You will learn how to crystallise the step-by-step 
process of looking at Mandarin words, and understand new strategies to exponentially increase the effectiveness based on human 

Bonus : Mindset Expansion Module - Learn how mind can work for you to accelerate your own progress timeline 

Week 5 & 6 : Strategy calls & Energetics

There will no fun without experiencing yourself speaking Mandarin and developing unwavering self-confidence in understanding the Mandarin content you come across. Learn techniques to get grounded and energised to avoid cognitive fatigue.

From week 5-Day 6 to week 6, there will be 2 weekly strategy calls. During these calls, I will coach you on understanding Mandarin articles and passages and nuances to reading and speaking (includes overcoming tones and pronunciation drama ). 

Learn the World-Class Energetics Techniques to get you energised and focused even after a day of hectic work and activities so that you have optimal effectiveness in learning Mandarin.

Week 7-9 : Personal coaching sessions

It is time to write and speak your own Mandarin words and sentences!

From week 7-9, there will be
3 weekly 1.5 hour sessions. During these calls,I will assess and based on your level, I will coach you on 3 areas :
1) Identification of words, 2) forming sentences & writing and 3) speaking. ( Pronunciation and tones on the last 1/2 hours of each session)

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Here is a quick glance of what you will get from my Mastermind

5x coaching live calls 

You will receive 3 private coaching calls with me to assess your proficiency level and implement relevant personalised strategies to help you master Mandarin in 3 areas-recognition of words, speaking and writing. There will be 2 Strategy calls : Understanding Mandarin articles  / passages. Reading and Speaking 

2x Q&A  live calls + Weekly Email Q&A coaching

These are optional bonus sessions for you to ask questions about the Mandarin lessons and pick my brain so that I can quickly help you break down barriers to your success.

There will be weekly email Q&A coaching to support and guide you if you have questions in your integration process.

Instant access to all videos and playbooks

Gain immediate access to all the videos and playbooks so that you can  learn comfortably  in your own pace.

Personalised practices and strategies

Everyone is unique. Using my years of expertise and experience, I will give you fast and effective insights to propel you to your next level.

My signature DREZ methodology to help you master Mandarin anytime anywhere.

This methodology is timeless, fun and will help you master Mandarin fast even when you are learning independently. 

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What about the Investment for this premium program?

Investing in yourself brings transformation that last a lifetime

5x weekly coaching live calls 

2x Q&A  live calls + weekly email Q&A coaching

Instant access to all videos and playbooks

Personalised practices and strategies

My signature DREZ methodology to help you master Mandarin anytime anywhere.

Methods to accelerate your learning that can be applied to any learning subjects.

Fun and exciting journey towards learning Mandarin

Price : SGD 3900 

3months and 6 months instalment plan available

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You will also receive :
( Bonus )

Brainwork and Mindset Transformation  worth SGD 1000

Energetics Techniques worth SGD 6000

My Personal Development Expertise
worth SGD 3000

Total  : ( SGD 13,800 )

You Pay A Fraction Only : SGD 3900

I have a confession to tell you..


Even though I love Mandarin since young,
I was not keen on the process i had to go through to master it. 

In 2004-2008, I was the girl who would aced her every Mandarin exam among all the other exams.
However, during this time, I was taught to work hard which led me to lost touch with the beauty of the language and my passion for it.


So when i started my business,
i decided to do things differently.

The passion and beauty of Mandarin will be the foundation of the learning.

To create new type of programs 

which connect clients who are interested  in Mandarin and ready to discover more beauty of it through effortless methods.

It turned out my intuition was right.

Since implementing my methods,  my foreign clients are loving Mandarin more and have aced their Mandarin exams.

Those who found Mandarin challenging had achieved their desired goals in the Mandarin.


This is possible for you  too.

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This program is for you if

This program is not for you if

you want to 5x your memory power and understanding skills for Mandarin with ease and improve pronunciation flow.

you are looking for an easy fix and do not want to put in  any effort to implement the methods. 

you know you could learn Mandarin alone but would like to largely collapse your timeline to your results

you expect to master Mandarin by just investing in Mandarin mastermind and have no desire to take actions.

you would like to learn and appreciate the Aesthetics of Mandarin

you are a person who takes actions towards your goals. ( My methods work 100% but only if you work it.)

you are a learner seeking world-class methods that have effective strategies combined with fun and passion.

you desire mindset expansion and tangible steps that you can follow.

Price : SGD 3900

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